Stop Slacking and TAKE ACTION!!: tid-bit-tips for online

Stop Slacking and TAKE ACTION!!

By: Anthony L. Davenport

Do you want On-line Success?

If you want to succeed online, you have to do something.
(Advertise, Market, Joint Venture, product development)
Doing something and failing is a lot better than not doing
anything at all.

You see if you make a mistake you will still be able to
learn and improve on your efforts--If you do SOMETHING.
If you do Nothing you will never have the benefit of
hindsight and will not be able to improve on anything--
and you will always be at the starting point.

Learning from your mistakes lets you improve whatever you
fell short on the first time around:
eMarketing, website design....anything.
"But every time I go to do something there is always a new
eBook that comes out that is supposed to SHOW ME HOW
TO SUCCEED ONLINE." (So I want to wait and read THAT
one, so when I get started I will get it right the first time)."
Are you held standing still by this mind set? I know I was.
It's true that today we have available to us much more
eMarketing information than there ever was a few years ago,
and the number of 'Top Money Makers' selling their "secrets"
to success is steadily increasing. So it is quite
understandable why so many people wait to start any new
eBiz project.

We all suffer from this 'information analysis paralysis' or
'IAP' for short (this is just what I like to call it ^_^ ).

This simply means that we as eMarketers and eBiz owners
are bombarded daily with information on how to run our
businesses. All this information tends to make any marketing
decision hard to conclude. Since we really don't know
what will work and what won't, and again we are afraid
to make mistakes...(making a mistake is not failing,
it's the start to success)..

People are scared to make mistakes and they want to succeed
with as little as possible. So with all this information
available we tend to think that our margin for error
should be non-existent. With all these eBooks and Courses
on how to succeed online coming from people who actually
did it (or so they say),we have no excuse to make
mistakes or fail. right?

I know it was this mind-set that froze me into an IAP case
for almost 2 years. Always searching for a sure-fire
marketing plan/opportunity. Never actually getting around to
implementing anything because something that seemed
better always came out..Well what I found is...
We are all human beings, we all make mistakes,
some are more talented than others in certain parts of life
and there is no 'Pie in the sky' 'SURE money maker'...
...Ya, I was disappointed too.
(But if you find one let me know ^_^)

Now I will be one of the few that will admit, I don't know
everything about eMarketing.

But I am willing to share with you some tips I