Sell More Products and Services with Testimonials

Testimonials are all-important to sell anything. You may already have testimonials for your new book and service, but do you have testimonials for other promotional pieces?

Next time you check out a Web site, notice the testimonials. Testimonials imply approval and recommendation. It's great to have them for your product, even your service; yet, most professionals don't use testimonials for the most important marketing tools--the ezine, the article, and the teleclass.

The Ezine

Does "Subscribe to my ezine" motivate you? To draw your target market's attention, you need to title your ezine and add a short benefit-driven description. Just like a guru recommending a book, you'll reap far more subscriptions when you add a testimonial.

Ezine subscriptions doubled in just one month for "The Book Coach Says" when the Web site added a ezine testimonial from Dan Poynter, self-publishing guru, "Book writing and marketing nuts and bolts--definitely worth your time."