The Classic ADHD Child Reminds Me of Tigger

ADHD comes in differenty forms, or types. What has become known as "classic ADHD" is characterized by Inattention, Impulsivity, Hyperactivity, Restlessness, and Disorganization. This type of ADHD reminds us of Tigger from the Winnie the Pooh stories. Dr. Daniel Amen refers to this type of ADHD as "Classic ADHD" for good reasons. When you think about someone who has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, this is the classic picture that you think of.

Those with this type of ADHD are often seen as being easily distracted away from doing important things by unimportant things around them. They have a LOT of energy, and perhaps are Hyperactive. They often can't sit still very long, and can be very figety. They are also people who can talk a lot, and they can be loud when they talk. They are often very impulsive, do not think before they act. As children they have trouble waiting their turn in line, or waiting for their turn in games.

Tigger Type ADHD results from UNDERACTIVITY in the Prefrontal Cortex, both when at rest, and when performing concentration tasks. This type of ADHD is most often seen in males.

Treatment Strategies for "Classic ADHD"

We recommend our Eating Program to start with. You can find our eating program at