Reality Check: New Year's Resolutions-Followed or Forgotten?

Did you make any resolutions this year? Did you write them down? (Stupid question for a writer, right?)

Do you know where that scrap of paper with your personal list is located?

Do you have the energy and/or desire to find it? (If not today, you may want to put it on your list of "things to do" for this week - You may be surprised at your successful completion of some items on your little list or you may get re-motivated to fulfill some of your ideas for change this year!)

After you review your original list of resolutions, take time to re-evaluate your thoughts for the coming year. With 30 days under your belt, you may be better-able to decide what you "need" to do versus what you "would like" to get done.

Some things on my personal list include:

  1. Organize my time more efficiently.
  2. Keep better financial records.
  3. Submit more queries to magazines.
  4. Write more articles for free publication by ezines and on websites.
  5. Enter my thoughts into my journal more regularly.
  6. Read my journal more often.
  7. Read more books, newsletters, guides etc. for writers.
  8. Complete my first e-book.
  9. Interact with other writers online more frequently.
  10. Take a class just for me.
  11. Improve my resume.

When I looked back over my little list, I thought about why I listed these items and what may be helpful for the future of my list. Here's a few suggestions based on my personal progress at this point:

  1. Set goals.
  2. Be realistic.
  3. Set deadlines.
  4. Be honest.
  5. Record the "reasons" you included an item on the list.
  6. Keep a journal of your progress.
  7. Review your list monthly.
  8. Adjust order of importance as needed.
  9. Delete items you no longer care about.
  10. Add resolutions as your focus changes.
  11. Give yourself credit for small accomplishments.

Do not give up. We can help each other by sharing our ideas. Writing for a living may be a solitary career, but I believe by communicating with other women writers, we may be able to enhance our creativity, improve our focus, strengthen our commitment and brighten our future! What do you think?