The ABC's Of A Great Life: "G" Is For Gratitude

Here's a snippet from the growing field of "gratitude research" to chew on:

"Grateful people are happier, more optimistic, more satisfied with their lives," says Michael McCullough, a University of Miami psychology professor. "They are more empathetic toward others. We even have a bit of evidence that grateful people are viewed as kinder, more helpful and more supportive than less-grateful people."

--Jeff Diamant, Your mind tends to thank you for feeling so thankful, The Star-Ledger, November 26, 2003

How's that for an incentive to learn the fine art of being grateful? But there are far better reasons than just personal benefit to be gained from the practice of gratitude. The article goes on to say that the studies cited not only indicate an influence on the person as a specific entity, but also that "the findings have potentially profound ramifications on society." I would imagine so - if you have ever found yourself unable to keep from smiling in the presence of a cheerful colleague, or to keep from fuming in the "negative energy field" of a moody, defensive partner, then you can easily understand how the affect of one person changing their way of being can ripple out to those around them, and from there outward ever onward to those in the wideneing circle of influence beyond.

One of the absolute best side-effects of gratitude (and one that many people don't know about until they start practicing it) is that the more you are grateful for, the bigger your "pile of stuff" starts to look and feel. What once felt like not nearly enough now feels luxuriously abundant and more than sufficient - and it's not just a feeling, either. It actually begins to perform like more than enough. Worries decrease, success and enrichment seem to fall at your feet rather than playing hard-to-get and things that once seemed like wishful thinking at best and unattainable fantasy at worst suddenly dance to within your reach. I know, I've been there (and plan on staying there, thank you very much!).

So how are you bringing gratitude into your life? You don't have to save it up for the big stuff. In fact, it works best if you can remember to be grateful for the mundane as well as the profound in your life. After all, hitting all the green lights on the way home from work is definitely something to grateful for, even if it doesn't seem like the most spiritual item on your list!