Treatment Options for ADHD

Ritalin has been shown through the years to be very effective in the treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder symptoms. Although it has potential side-effects which many families would like to avoid, we have seen it help a lot of people. More recently, other interventions such as EEG biofeedback training have shown themselves to be very useful in treatment as well. A great deal of energy and money has also been invested into the development of non-prescription treatments for ADD ADHD.

Consumers must be aware that there are several alleged remedies for Attention Deficit Disorder which have never even attempted to clinically verify claims or quantify results. There are also many remedies which may be helpful to a small percentage of children or adults with Attention Deficit Disorder, but perhaps only 10% to 30% of those who try it.

For example, we have seen some children make remarkable changes by avoiding sodas, or certain foods, or certain chemicals. However, these cases are the exception, not the rule. It works for some, but not for most. The diet that we recommend is helpful in about 25% of the cases of those who try it. Again, the exception, not the rule, but good enough to give it a try. Compare this with the significant improvements from ATTEND at 70%, or EEG Biofeedback at 70% to 75%, or Stimulant Medication at 70% to 75%, and you will see the difference.

There are many products on the market today, many which are marketed with slick tapes or other emotional hype, making claims that are just not realistic. Remember, just because a product works for one child, or even some children, doesn't mean that it will work for all children, or even most children. The point is that nothing works for everyone. Attention Deficit Disorder is too broad of a spectrum of problems, behavior, and potential causes, to have any one treatment work for everyone. Any treatment that can top Ritalin's supposed 75% "response with improvement" rate can and will be "king of the hill" in treatment.