Some Thoughts on Counseling Goals for ADHD

What should the goals for counseling be when the patient has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

Every therapist will have their own opinions, but I'll give you some of my thoughts.

First, it is important to teach the child or teen with ADHD how to recognize problems and how to solve problems. There are many good problem solving techniques that young people can quickly learn, and these are great tools to teach them.

Second, it is important to teach the child or teen how to think before they act, how to be less impulsive, how to have greater self-control. Without good internal controls the natural tendency toward impulsive behaviors will cause the ADHD person many heart aches.

Third, it is important to teach the child or teen with ADHD to respect others, and other's property, as well as to respect himself and his property.

Fourth, it is important to teach the child or teen to monitor his or her thoughts. It has been reported that the thoughts of