7 Key Items To Include in your Email Signature File

One of the most important and often overlooked methods of
promoting your on line business or service is your email
signature file (sometimes called a "sig"). There are two
types of signature files, one is the more simple one at
the close of each email, the other might be attached to
writing or discussion group posts, etc. and is sometimes
called a byline.

Regardless of the usage, having an effectively written
signature can make the difference in higher sales, more
networking contacts and more prosperity for you today!
Using the following as a guide, to build a signature file
that will help you meet your needs, and reach your goals.

1. Your Name and the Name of Your Business. You cannot
build your brand or name recognition without it. No one would
forget to include this, right?

2. Your email address. If you have written compelling content,
people will want to contact you. Having your email address
immediately available (and clickable) is the best means to satisfy
the need to "do it now". Since some email clients don't recognize
and hotlink email addresses, consider putting the mailto: in front
of your address. This ensures your address is a hyper link (i.e.
mailto:kevin@discian.com )

3. Your Web Address. People will be enticed to take action
immediately if the information is readily accessible, and like your
email address, being an active link is always the best. Don't forget
your URL! While it may be best to send them to the home page,
the content of your writing may suggest you send them to a
specific page. If so, use that address in your signature file.

4. Phone Number. Email is great, and the web is nice, but people
often like to connect with you at a different level. Make sure they
have the information so they can! If you have a toll free number,
consider adding it (and letting people know that it is toll free). If
your toll free number but is only available in your home country,
either leave it out, or note where it will work. Remember your fax
number too!

5. Statement of Mission or Purpose. If your business has a Unique
Selling Proposition (USP) include it here. This is a short sentence
that differentiates you from others in your business. If you don't
have a USP yet (create one!), include a descriptive tagline about you
and your business.

6. A Reason why they should contact you now. If you have written
an effective article or post, suggest an additional resource you
could provide to them, or a way you could help them. Make sure
they know how to quickly request this additional help.

7. Ways to Read More. If you produce an ezine, let people know
that it exists and how to subscribe. Again, make it easy with a
hyperlinked email address (see number two above) or a URL to
subscribe from the web.

Overall, while there are no hard and fast rules regarding your
signature file, there are some guidelines. Your "sig" in your
everyday emails might be shorter - not containing each of the
items above, while sigs for your article or posts may be longer.
Use your good judgment, use this list of guidelines, and
experiment to find what works best for you.

About the Author

Julie Jordan Scott (mailto: julie@5passions.com ) and Kevin
Eikenberry (mailto:kevin@discian.com ) are speakers, writers,
consultants and people who help organizations and individuals
reach for - and achieve their goals. Both have content rich
websites and free email offerings. To learn more go to
http://5passions.com and http://discian.com