Lets Play Leap Frog!

A truely inspirational piece that is easy to read and guaranteed to get you thinking. Includes some well known tips on search engine ranking and a few you probably have not thought of.
The internet is a powerful sales tool for those that rank, but how do you separate the fact from the fiction?

We have heard it all before. Every other day you are probably reading the following hook lines and you probably even know them off by heart. They include, I noticed that you're not mentioned on some engines and We will submit your website to over 200,000 directories and engines and the best one You'll be surprised by the low cost. If it wasnt so serious it would be laughable. Not done properly this could end up costing you a fortune due to poor placement, incorrect placement and lost sales.

Do you really want to be submitted to all those engines? Can there really be any value in this style of promotion? Stop and think for just a minute. Submission does not mean acceptance. And no charge submission to engines such as google can take 6-12 months to take effect. Repeated submissions can even be detrimental to your cause. So stop and take stock. Remember that if you fail to plan, you have just planned to fail.

Dont rush this step as attention to detail now can reap huge rewards in the very near future.

Out of all the pages in your site, the home page is given more weight by the directories and engines than any other. It certainly isn