Are You In or Out of Balance?

CLUTTER: When clutter starts to accumulate in an environment, imbalance in our personal, professional and social lives always follows. This can range from health and financial challenges to struggle and conflict with friends, family, co workers, affiliates, as well as with buyers and sellers. Feng Shui is the communication that takes place everyday between you and your environment. At a glance, take a look at your home, office, desk, car and briefcase and check to see if you are in or out of balance!

DE-CLUTTERING: This is the first step in reclaiming your health, vitality, energy and business! Creating a sense of harmony and peace in your space will reflect the same in your life and career. Consciously letting go of "things" that no longer serve your highest good, will invigorate and energize your personal Ch'i, and empower you to attract blessings, abundance, health, wealth and good fortune in your life.


"Should I include porches and decks in the Ba-gua when I Feng Shui my listings?"

If a porch or deck completes the Ba-gua square (eliminates a missing corner or qua section) then, yes, include it. If it extends beyond the Ba-gua and is less that 50% of the width, then do not include it. The later scenario is called an "Extension" and is considered a fortunate blessing for the occupants.

"Given the choice to face one of my power directions at work vs. sitting in one of my best gua areas, what would you advise me to do?" Good question. Although some Feng Shui Masters would disagree with me, I would definitely honor at least 2 out of your four "empowerment" directions, at all times, when working or talking to significant others. Also, some Masters believe the sitting direction is more important than the ("eyes") facing direction. I believe the facing direcition is the most powerful school of all. Aligning yourself with your power directions will help to reduce stress and eliminate wasted time in the day. If you are lucky enough to sit "facing" 3 out of four of your best directions, it's possible to reduce your work time by a third, too. This phenomenon is based on magnetic energy alignment. Each human being has four out of eight magnetic "compass" directions that support them in almost every aspect of their lives. (Click onto to find out your personal power element)

"How can I tell if a house has good or bad Feng Shui?"

The answer to this question is both simple and complex. The perfect form/shape of a house in Feng Shui is square or rectangular with no missing corners. However in Classical Feng Shui, we believe that the "unseen" energy inside a property will either support or deplete the Ch'i of the occupants. This is based on many factors ranging from "compass" sitting/facing directions, year constructed, your year of birth, whether you are an East or West Group person, the compass direction of main doors and bedrooms, as well as the location and shape of the land and building too. To embrace Feng Shui from a Classical perspective like this, requires a consultation with someone who practices both Traditional and Western Feng Shui.

"What is your 5 Element Business System all about? There is a gal in my office who had you Feng Shui her office last year and teach her this and now she is number one in our office, but she won't share anything with me, it's like some kind of big secret."

I'm happy, but not surprised, to hear she made #1!! However, I am sad to hear that your associate is not willing to share her success story with you and others. There is an "endless supply" of abundance in the Universe for everyone to tap in to, even within the same real estate office; therefore, it's impossible for competition to hurt anyone.

My 5EBS is not difficult to learn, and it is not a secret. It's a powerful color code system based on the "productive cycle" of five Chinese elements that when used properly, magnetizes business to you. This system is effective in any industry. It's our most sought after consultation; it's called the COMBO (a 2 hour recorded phone consultation) and includes the Feng Shui of your office, desk and learning a 5 Element Business System that supports high volume sales. This consultation has helped hundreds of Realtors