The Essential Christmas Web-store Makeover

Ten great tips to turn online holiday shoppers into eager buyers - and satisfied customers.

When meeting potential clients, you wouldn't dream of showing up late in a mismatched outfit, hair disheveled, with food on your tie and no business card, would you? And if they asked for testimonials or explanations about your company policies you'd hardly say, "Sorry, I don't give out that information."

So why do it on your website?

Just like in person, Internet shoppers look for clues (consciously or not) that suggest you are credible and professional - and they make that judgment call inside of a minute or two. That means you have a small window of time to impress would-be buyers and gain their trust. Unlike in person, however (where you can apologize for tardiness or charm customers with funny tales about how that mustard landed on your lapel) you have zero opportunity to redeem yourself online. One click and they're gone for good.

But fear not. As Web-goers gear up for their Christmas shopping sprees, there are things you can do quickly and easily to inspire confidence. Here are some surefire ways to turn browsers into buyers and buyers into regular customers:

1. Put on your best Web-suit. You don't need to hire Armani to redesign your site, but make sure it's clean, organized and error-free. Check for typos, broken links, inconsistencies in graphics, repetition, cluttered appearance and the like (think of it as good grooming habits). Such lack of attention to detail sends a message, however untrue, that you will be equally careless in your business dealings.

2. Put your best logo forward. Provide familiar visual clues on your site, such as well-known brand names and logos. Also, list any other trusted brands, including suppliers, business partners and customers - and always display their logos to make a stronger impression. When shoppers see recognizable names, it increases their confidence level in your store. They'll be more inclined to buy your goods knowing FedEx was shipping their Christmas gifts instead of Joe X.

3. Proudly wear your credentials. If you have attained a standard of excellence or have met minimum certification requirements, such as for service or security, let customers know about it. Credible trust marks* displayed on your home page will instill confidence in shoppers so they'll stay on your site and discover all you have to offer. (* has a nifty utility for measuring the trustworthiness of your website. Simply type in your URL and get instant results. By filling out their form, you can improve your score - and build credibility with customers. Subscribing to certain trust marks is also an easy way to increase your TrustGauge score.)

4. Pass out your virtual business card. Make sure your contact information is visible and indicate all the ways that you may be reached - including your physical business address. Besides being convenient for the customer, it helps assuage fears that you will take their money and run into cyberspace, never to be found again.

5. Don't be a Grinch. Offer freebies (such as trial software, free advice, money-back guarantees, etc