Using the Power of Multiplication Can Make You Rich!

Placing small classified ads in the back section of newspapers is an age- old advertising medium that has been used for literally a hundred years. This method is still one of the most under-rated methods of earning a big income in today's economy.

It is extremely easy to place ads (once you know the right source), and the income potential is truly enormous. Did you know that if you earned a mere $5 profit with just one newspaper ad, then you could make yourself a Fortune!

Let's say you're selling an information product which costs a total of $5 both to produce and to ship to the customer.

Let's further assume that the ad costs $25 your total expense is $30 if your ad brings in $35, then you have just made a small $5 profit! Not impressed?

How is this a "fortune"? Assuming you make that same kind of profit in similar newspapers, the "power of multiplication" will EXPLODE your profits!

Place that same $25 ad in just 10 newspapers, and your profit is $50 place it in 100 newspapers, and your profit is $500. 1000 newspapers mean $5000.

Are you beginning to see the POWER of MULTIPLICATION? If you can place 1000 ads per week, your income could hit $20,000 per month, or $240,000 per YEAR!

THIS IS NOT A SECRET THOUSANDS, of people are utilizing this power each and every day! If YOU have a product or service that you can sell by placing simple ads, then YOU should be using the Power of Multiplication right NOW!

David Hocker to learn how to use the power of multiplication please email me at