Mind is the Forerunner of All States

Our lives and the circumstances we live in are largely the result of our own thoughts and beliefs. The sum total of our thoughts, if they are positive, will result in a positive life for us. The converse is just as true. If we think negatively most of the time, we tend to attract negative circumstances into our life.

This great truth is known to all mystics and ancient sages. They may have said it in different ways but they all point to the same thing.

The Buddhists know this as the Law of Kamma. Jesus said, "You reap what you sow." If you plant an apple seed, you get an apple tree. The seed is your thought imprint. The apple tree is what is manifested in your physical world. The ancient Egyptians called this phenomenon...


What they mean is that our outer physical world and circumstances are merely reflections of our inner mental realities.

Our thoughts are energetic waves and they are subjected to the Law of Sympathetic Resonance. According to this law, when an object with a specific frequency vibrates and is brought near another object with similar frequency, it will cause the second object to vibrate as well.

The classic example for this is that of a singer with a high-pitched voice breaking a glass. In science classes, this same principle is demonstrated by bringing a vibrating tuning fork to another tuning fork with similar frequency. The second tuning fork will start to vibrate on its own.

In modern time, this universal principle is called the Universal Law of Attraction.

It is important to note that the second object can only vibrate if it is of similar frequency to the first object. What this means is that