Tsunami's, Earthquakes, Volcanoes are Simply All Reminders, But Do We Remember?

Being an author of the ancient mysteries I have come to learn that people of the past saw natural destruction's that occurred upon the earth as the hand of god punishing the inhabitants.

They had no way to define these horrible events without a science that taught them of the dangers of this world and its solar system.

Great Floods could easily have been what we see today as called Tsunamis which we all recently witnessed in horrific fashion. Volcanic eruptions were noted as fire and brimstone. Earthquakes were called an angry violent shaking god. And stars falling from heaven were of course meteors and asteroids, which were also interpreted as being sons/suns of god.

Yet the people of old earth were taught that these were acts of a vengeful God, punishing the earth's inhabitants with horrible disasters that the mind could not even grasp.

Today we should realize that events of this magnitude are a reality based in natural disorders that often climax due to certain periods of Earth and Solar changes. But why are we subjected to natural disorders? Where is ORDER and BALANCE?

Recently we witnessed beyond imagination the most god awful horrible event that any human would ever have to suffer through. A massive and totally destructive Tsunami struck a large portion of Asia, India and some of Africa, not to mention outlying Islands throughout the waters of the Indian Ocean, killing masses of humanity.

We know that these events are a historical reminder of the dangerous earth we live upon. For we are mere sand particles upon a massive spaceship floating through a dangerous solar system! And when this huge megalithic rock shakes, rattles and rolls, we find that we truly are not the commanders of this great magnificent ball we call Earth, as we deceive ourselves into believing.

We are but mere ants standing upon a shifting plane having little to no ability to defend ourselves against the torrents of Earth's anger.

But why do these events occur? Why are we subjected to these horrible realities? Is it like the ancient people of earth believed that an angry God moves swiftly in his vengeance to destroy?

Where does he draw the line, how does he measure the reed? Does he just send forth punishment upon any group of people whether righteous or evil?

Today I wonder how far we have come to being spiritually educated rather than following after ideas based in cultural deception.

The recent Tsunami did not take into account, race, creed, color, and origin. It simply had no regard for whoever it was that was in its path.

Many nations lost loved ones in this terrible disaster. In one moment people were living their lives without a thought to any impending notice of alert, and the next moment they were simply gone.

My friends it is time that we break away from the fables of the past, and even the deceptions of today, to realize truths of the ancients. It is a horrible reality that events such as this do indeed take place. And the facts remain, they will continue to occur more and more in this unsteady period of time called a transition.

We are not on a safe planet; we are living aboard an extreme and very violent shifting rock that is passing through a new time. It is imperative that we begin to see these events for what they truly are.

They are not the hand of a God punishing out of vengeance, but rather the nasty reality that we as humans are subjected to greater powers than ourselves, powers that take little to no thought if its inhabitants.

It is far past time that Earth's citizens become educated to the truth of who we are, and where we came from. And why we are subjected to such ignominy and awesome power!

We are a great power unimaginable, however that power is hidden within the fig leafs of flesh. We have been buried within a trance state illusion keeping us unaware of why we are here and our real purpose.

Neither science nor religions have the answers to this seemingly unanswerable question. Even after centuries of higher perceived education we all too often remain deadened and asleep to higher realities.

If we continue to view ourselves and earth as the end all equation being operated by an angry God or an uncaring science, then we are left hanging on threads of ignorance still dangling around the portals of deception purporting things based upon faulty conclusions.

Earth's citizens need to take a step back and reexamine reality, because if they did they would find they were living in a dream that sometimes becomes a nightmare.

Once you awaken you realize nothing is ever lost, and there is wonderful things to come. Earth's citizens come and go from the ethereal past into the unknown future, but only ignorance truly dies.

For no disaster has ever truly taken anyone away, it has only been a reminder to those left behind that we are unaware of some monumental truths.

John V Panella
Author of the Metaphysical!