How To Attack Your Market and Turn More Visitors Into Rabid Buyers

I've recently taken the time to go back over my consulting client files, subscriber feedback and tons of other experiences from the last year - an noticed...

A constant theme of GIVING AWAY YOUR MARKET

So many times I speak with someone who has a strong unique selling angle or one unique product within their market, but they fail to really ATTACK their market.

Now I'll be the first to admit it, as a group of product developers and marketers, we're a rather odd lot.

Some of us are great at generating ideas, but never quite seem to realize 10% of the potential

Others of us are great at getting that first product out, but are hopeless at building on initial success.

Still others are terrific marketers, but can't seem to keep enough products in the pipeline to generate consistent sales.

Then there's the go-it-alone mentality.

After all, it's our individual passion and gumption that got us this far, why start sharing our profit and effort with others now?

Regardless of which group you belong to -- success in your market depends on generating an all-out, full-scale, no-holds-bar attack on your market.

Here's how.

ATTACK TECHNIQUE #1: Build Loyal Subscribers

If you are not already doing it - you need to communicate with your subscribers at least once a week.

Could be an automated email campaign, newsletter, forum, blog, mailouts, articles, or any other meothod.

If you can't find something useful to say - even just a few lines, to your market at least once per week, then you are either not well plugged into your market or you are not committed enough to really make BIG money in ANY business.

ATTACK TECHNIQUE #2: Develop More Than One Product

Many of you have frequent anxiety attacks about producing just one hot-selling product.

I understand, the path to my first product seemed like climbing Mount Everest.

Fact is, to really ATTACK and OWN your market, you need to be much more aggressive, releasing several products over the course of a year.

These could be special reports, ebooks, videos, membership sites, co-authorships, resell licensed, public domain, hard-copy, teleseminar or seminar products.

Think in terms of 3-4 products produced next year.

Use our Ultimate Information Entrepreneur's Success Package to help you discover hot topics and get your products developed faster! (

Think in these terms, and your first one won't seem as monumental a task.

ATTACK TECHNIQUE #3: Pick The Brain Of Your Mentor

When I started out, I leaped light years ahead because I invested in a terrific mentor - in my case that was Tony Blake (

You want to think BIG when you think mentors.

Learn from the best. I help quite a few people out with online product development and marketing - it's a market I know very well and can bring first-hand experience.

Dan Kennedy is a master of all things business, time management, offline business and marketing.

Yanik Silver is solid as a copywriter and affiliate management expert.

Whoever you decide on, pick the best - it will pay off in the end.

ATTACK TECHNIQUE #4: Learn Copywriting

The most valuable skill you can learn when ATTACKING your market.

Get your hands on material from the masters - Gary Halbert (, Michel Fortin, John Carleton, Gary Bencivenga.

Next - start collecting your own personal "swipe" file containing some of the best ads you come across.

Finally, commmit to writing a sales letter per month, testing and re-writing at least 4-5 sales letters each month to improve your conversion.

ATTACK TECHNIQUE #5: Beef Up Your Affiliate Program

What's that? You don't run an affiliate program?

Get serious about adding 30-40 new affiliate every month. To do that, you will have to actively pursue joint venture partners and super affiliates - don't expect them to just come to you.

Support your affiliates with regular updates and trainings as well as a constant supply of new tools such as graphics, text ads, headlines, articles, branded reports and minicourses.

Offer to record an interview with your super affiliates, allowing them to offer the interview to draw customers into more sales.

ATTACK TECHNIQUE #6: Dramatically Increase Your Price Per Customer

By walking in your customer's shoes, you will get to know what he or she wants, then offer it to them - again and again.

Instead of one sale, you want to be the PRIMARY provider of information to your market in your subject area.

To accomplish all of this, you need to GET INVOLVED with your market.

Run regular surveys, teleseminars, coaching sessions, where you can interact with your market.

Oddly enough, by becoming more involved, helping people more, you will set the groundwork for ATTACKING your market.

EzineArticles Expert Author Jeff Smith

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