10 Steps to Making 2005 Safer For Your Child

1. Listen to your child/children. Pay attention to what they are telling you or trying to tell you. Far too often parents are too busy or distracted to listen to what their children are trying to tell them. Don't make this critical mistake!!!

2. Teach your child what her phone number and address are. This is crucial for basic child safety.

3. Make time for your kids. If you share your time with your children, you will create the trust it may take for them to open up to you and share something that might be bothering them.

4. Trust your instincts. Nothing is as powerful as a parental instinct. If you have a suspicion, err on the side of safety and trust your instinct.

5. Teach children about boundaries. It can be somewhat uncomfortable, but teaching a child about what is appropriate and inappropriate play, touching, etc., can be the difference between an empowered child who can ask for help and a child who is far too trusting. This