Goal Setting

"Every man should be born again on the first day of January. Start with a fresh page...on the first of January let every may straighten himself once more, with his face to the front, and take no interest in the things that were and are past."

- Henry Ward

How often do you see people who have succumbed to their current, sometimes ill-perceived, circumstances?

In extreme cases perhaps these people drink too much or take some other "home remedy" to self-medicate their feelings of inadequacy and/or hopelessness.

On a more conservative level, they may simply complain about being treated unfairly and/or feel deserving of something they think they've either earned or are entitled to.

When setting goals for future success, it's imperative that you begin the process with a clear healthy mindset. One that empowers you with the realization that you, and you alone, possess the ultimate tool to improve your situation - Freedom of Choice is this tool.

No doubt you