Build Your Opt-In List Today

There are many services available to help your with building a opt-in list. I am going to show your how to start building your opt-in list starting today right now this very minute. It not hard, in fact it is very simple. All you need is a little time, a free ebook or report, and an auto responder service that is it.

As mentioned you need a good, well-written ebook or report to get this started off on a good note. This can be something you have written or it can be from someone well known. It's totally up to you just keep in mind that the topic should be something to people want to know more about or how to do something.

I have used this technique to build my list, it is a slow process but it works well. Of course the first thing you should do is read the ebook or report that you are going to be using as the "bait" for building your list. That