Choosing Names For Twins

There are many reasons for treating your twins as individuals rather than a pair. But if you must choose names that go together here are a few suggestions.

But first, always make sure the first name goes with the surname, and watch out for the initials - spell out baby's initials to make sure you are not increasing her chances of being teased or bullied. Also, keep it sensible; we came across twins the other day named Mercedes and Porche - admittedly the babies will probably cost about the same as the cars by the time they leave home, and perhaps Daddy would have preferred the cars?!

OK, now to the suggestions.

Names With The Same Meaning:


Some people recommend using names that rhyme or sound the same, but think of the babies who have to learn their names by the sound. If they both sound the same or very similar, it makes it very difficult for them.

Finally, always keep in mind how your children will feel about the names you give them. I once worked with a girl called Hazel Nutt! Luckily she had the strength of character to withstand the laughter whenever she met someone new, unlike the Irish lad whose middle name was Mary, he hated that and it affected his feeling for his parents.


Author: Tony Luck who runs a site about babycare which has a large section about baby names.