Home Hazards That Can Affect Our Pets

Is your home safe for your Furr Kids? It might surprise you to know how many hazards there are in a typical home for the pets we love.

Most everyone is aware that anti-freeze, pest sprays, rat poison and the like should be kept where no pet can get to them. And many of us have heard about plants that are poison to our pets such as mistletoe, lilies and poinsettias.

But have you ever considered the following potential dangers to your pet?

1. Electrical cords; pets chewing on electrical cords can receive a potentially fatal shock. This is especially prevalent around the holidays when extension cords are often used.

2. Ingesting harmful foods; chocolate can be fatal to pets. 3. Worn out toys; toys that are worn or badly chewed can begin to fall apart and small pieces of them can be swallowed.

4. Garbage; pets that get into the garbage can may eat bones, coffee grounds, spoiled food, cigarette butts, etc.

5. Chemicals; pets may ingest cleanser, soap, bleach, mothballs, paint, pool chemicals, fertilizers, etc.

6. Medications; many medications intended for humans can be fatal to pets, as can nicotine gum.

7. Open clothes dryer doors; the dryer is a wonderfully warm spot for a cat to take a nap