The Rich Jerk - A Lesson in Copy Writing that Works.

Can any experienced copy writer imagine insulting their potential customers from start to finish and expect them to buy their product? . Can you imagine actually making sales by deliberately coming across as a jerk? Traditional sales people and copy writers in particular will tell you you have to respect your potential customer, sell them on the benefits and features of your product, and call them to action by making an impact that will get the sale. But someone has come up with something totally different. Crass, boorish, obnoxious - and it works, if his sales stats are anything to go by. He calls himself The Rich Jerk, and he is becoming something of an internet phenomenon - even though he won't reveal his name (he says being a guru is the last thing he wants). So any copy writer - or anyone looking for an internet success blueprint if they want to start an internet business - should seriously consider taking a look at what he has done, because although it is outlandish, there could well be an "edge" in this style for some specific future campaign or promotion. Have you ever fantasized about owning a Ferrari, a yacht, two houses and an island in the tropics? The rich jerk says it's no fantasy - anyone can do it. He uses a combination of shock and ridicule to make his points - and he has spawned a following that uses the line that he is possibly a fraud or needs to be exposed to draw people to his web site. And that works too. But to write copy that deliberately insults your readers and potential customers is indeed treading a fine line. For example, he says anyone can become a rich jerk just like him if they do what he did. Then they'll get what he's got. Not many friends, but a lot of money - and he likes it that way. He has the most uppity couldn't-care-less way of writing you can imagine. He calls people morons and idiots, and he says you only need half a brain to do things his way. But when it comes to Joint Ventures which others say are one of the ultimate ways to wealth on the internet, he has another weird attitude. He won't JV with anyone. And he says he won't even bother to reply to you if you haven't read his FAQ page. But he goes way beyond that when it comes to bad manners - and he puts it all down to the fact that he can, because he's rich and he doesn't care what you think because he still sleeps well at night. The thing about the rich jerk is that he doesn't give a hoot about anyone else. Or so he says. He calls some of the Internet's genius marketers really bad names, and he says the rest of us are utterly stupid for shelling out money for their courses, because they are only recycling the same old stuff that you could get elsewhere for nothing. Actually, he's got a good point there. But then he sideswipes you with a 75 per cent-off offer for HIS stuff - but the offer is only good if you buy it 'right now' for $47 instead of $97. And he says you're a moron if you don't buy because you'll get hung out to dry and turn into a destitute loser loser loser while he just carries on driving his Ferrari, sailing his yacht, living in a posh mansion and getting richer every minute. For a lesson in outside-the-box copy writing, his site is well worth a visit. Try this: .