What Most People Overlook When Using "Fear Of Loss" As Their Marketing Pitch!

If you speak to most marketing experts, they'll tell you one of the ways to get your prospects to buy from you, is by tapping into their "fear of loss". But if you're a REALLY smart marketer, before you do start figuring out "what" to "hook" your prospects with, you're making sure you're speaking to the right audience first. Because if you're not, even the best hook in the world, will be wasted. Here's the deal: One of the first things I'll tell clients of mine is that usually, marketing into your prospect's fear of losing something, is a lot more effective than marketing into their opportunity of gaining something. Why is that so? Primarily because most people have got it drummed into their heads, either from themselves, or from others in their environment, that you've simply got to hang on to everything you worked "so hard for" -- whether it's true or not. Right? Well, today I want to address another problem that has to do with "fear of losing". It has to do with most business-owners reluctance to specifically define their customers, and alienate everyone else who's outside of that definition, because of their "fear of losing" new prospective customers and clients. Listen, let's call a spade a spade here. If you're a financial planner and you're trying to attract people to open up brokerage accounts with you and deposit a minimum of $500,000 Dollars, then why do you care if some guy with $40 Grand in his account, is offended or feels alienated by your advertisement? What are you afraid of losing? Don't you understand that the tighter you can define your marketplace, not only can you attract better people, more qualified (and more eager and excited) to receive your services, but you'll also be able to charge them more as a "specialist"? Think about it: If all you're serving is a niche market of people, and you're catering to their "unique and special needs", don't you think they'd be thrilled to pay you a little extra, because you understand "exactly what they want?" And by the way, please don't just tell them you "understand their unique and special needs" -- that is an absoluely meaningless and bland set of words that offers a "zero" experience to your prospects. Instead, tell them what those unique and special needs are and how you're filling them. Tell them about how, if you're an orthodontist selling kids braces, you're not going to nickel and dime them with penny-ante fees, every time their kid comes in for an adjustment. Let them know, if they're in your "platinum group" you'll get them in within 24 hours if there's ANY kind of problem at all. Be specific. And don't forget -- if you have several different niches of customers you can sell to, that's great: just set up a different marketing system to attract each one. Remember, the name of the game is matching the correct marketplace to the correct marketing messages. Do this and you'll wind up being as happy and content as a 13 year-old who's about to get the day off from school. But no matter what you're doing, don't be afraid of losing prospects... who ultimately... wouldn't buy from you... in... the very first place! Now go sell something, Craig Garber http://www.KingOfCopy.com P.S. Check out all the prior archives you've been missing, right here at: http://www.kingofcopy.com/tips/tiparchives.html