Cartoon Animation - An Evolving Art Form

The past 150 years has seen tremendous strides in technological and scientific research and invention. Who would have ever imagined that men would walk on the moon or that open heart surgery could be performed with robotic assistance? Still, with all of these advances man has consistently failed in one field of research: the creation of life from inanimate material.

This desire, coupled with an inborn need to find creative expression, has lead to some interesting discoveries. Man has developed the illusion of creating life from nothing. Spectators of this illusion are at times amazed and often carried away from reality, even if just for a few hours.

We are talking about the art of cartoon animation. Using various methods an artist has the ability to make his drawings move and speak. With modern computer technology, the artist?s drawings may even appear to interact with with the observer. Walt Disney, a monumental figure in the history of animated film once said, "Animation can explain whatever the mind of man can conceive."

What is the history of this art form? What advances has it made in recent years?

A Brief History of Theatrical Animation

On December 28, 1895, the world of art and entertainment took a drastic turn. Upon invitation Georges M