11 Reasons Not to Hire a Freelance Copywriter (and Why They're All Poor Excuses)

Think you can take the Copywriting Challenge on your own? Allow me to convince you otherwise! Here are eleven reasons why business owners typically choose not to hire a writer, and my argument for each.

Excuse 1. "Why pay someone else when I can do the writing myself?" Next time you sit down with a writing project, pay attention to how you feel. Mentally, are you quickly and effortlessly able to extract the essence of what makes your consumer offering worthwhile? Or do you find yourself mired in extraneous details, unable to focus on what should be crystal-clear to an outsider? Bring a copywriter into the mix, and get a fresh perspective on your product or service, and a clear focus on your product benefits.

Excuse 2. "I know my product/business better than anyone else." This may in fact be true. But when was the last time you analyzed your own target audience? As society evolves, so do the needs of the average consumer. A great product can weather the winds of change and stand up to the test of time