The Words That Sell

What You Say, Who You Say It To, How you Say It: If you have or can get a list of people who are already interested or genuinely likely to be interested in your product or service then you are well on your way to being successful with your postcard marketing. Before that, you have to answer the key question, "Who should I send my postcard offers to?"

After that is answered, your next problems are what to say to them and what to ask them to do.

Let's Look At What To Say To Them: It is vital that you get attention fast. If you don't get attention fast your offer will not get read.

1. An excellent way to get attention and hence get read is to boldly give the 5 or 6 key benefits of your product or service.

Put the biggest benefit on top and list off the rest in descending order of importance.

For example:

How Would You Like To Get: