More Love Less Handle No Sugar Added!

We scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream, chocolate that is. They have done their research with dyed-in-the-wool dedicated months of perusing the unsurpassed chocolate products around the world. They are sugar free too. I bet you thought I was talking about a low carb, no sugar added candy bar? Well not exactly. Did you know that the craving to eat chocolate can be curbed by simply smelling chocolplush chocolate scented rabbit with blueberry chocolatesate?

The scent alone is exuberant and makes you feel lusciously edible. Middlesex University studied aromas in 1998 and found that the scent of chocolate is the most pleasant and most relaxing fragrance. The Chocolate Teapots perfume range has base notes of cocoa and vanilla. From the mouth watering, invigorating scent of chocolate mint to the fiery scent of spicy chocolate. Visualize yourself submerging in you own private chocolate haven. That visualization is a reality with The Chocolate Teapot.

The thought of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" comes to mind! Especially the scene where Violet is submerged in a pool of chocolate, what a kids dream come true. The Chocolate Teapot brings that a reality. The sublime Chocolate Teapot "Chocolate Indulgence