Choosing The Right Merchant Account Provider

Choosing the right merchant account provider is like choosing a spouse, as you are in fact choosing a partner for your business, one which would hopefully last a lifetime. There are many merchant account providers out there, much like there are many prospective husbands or wives. But there is only one merchant account provider that would complement us in every aspect of our trade. Finding this kind of a merchant account provider would be as easy or as difficult as we want it to be, and all dependent on the type of business we're running. What Is A Merchant Account Provider? A merchant account provider is simply a service that would maintain a merchant account for our business. A merchant account provider would establish for us an account that could process payments from credit cards. The said merchant account provider would also deposit such payments, and thereafter, after the lapse of a specified period, the merchant account provider would transfer the funds to a financial institution of our choosing. Why Is A Good Merchant Account Provider Important For Your Business? The ability to process credit card payments would substantially increase your customer base, and this is what a good merchant account provider could guarantee. 87% of online consumers, and 36% of offline buyers (with a whopping 63% in North America) prefer to use their credit cards for their purchases. The services that a good merchant account provider would give you will allow you to tap into this segment of the market. The result? A good merchant account provider can actually increase your profit by up to 450%. Characteristics Of The Right Merchant Account Provider A good merchant account provider should have the following characteristics: * A merchant account provider should be able to accommodate a variety of credit card brands. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and other popular credit cards should be included in what such a merchant account provider could accommodate. * A merchant account provider for an online business should also be able to accommodate popular payment alternatives like PayPal, StormPay, E-Gold and the likes. * A merchant account provider should have a solid history of service and credibility. A merchant account provider should always be viewed as a long term partner, hence, every effort must be made to ensure that such merchant account provider would be reliable. * A merchant account provider should have an excellent customer service system. Payments are delicate matters, and whenever problems are encountered, the merchant account provider should be able to render expedient and efficient support.