Battery Sizes And Types

In both science and in technology, a battery is used as a type of device that is used to store energy, making it available for use in an electrical form. They consist of electrochemical devices, including one or even more galvanic cells.

Baghdad Batteries are thought to be the first known in history, dating back from sometime between the years of 250 BCE and 640 BCE. The modern battery began with the Voltaic pile, which was developed by Alessandro Volta, an Italian physicist, in 1800. As of a 2005 estimate, the battery industry generates, no pun intended, around 48 billion dollars in annual sales.

Batteries can be divided into two main categories, rechargeable batteries and non-rechargeable, or disposable, batteries.

Disposable batteries are also known as primary cells. They are intended for a one time use only, to be used until the chemical changes used to induce its electrical current supply have been finished. Their common usages include smaller, more portable devices that have either a low current drain or are used away from any alternative power source.

Rechargeable batteries, also known as secondary cells, have a longer usage life since they can be recharged after their power has been drained. You can do so by applying an externally supplied electrical current. This causes a reversal in the chemical changes that occur during the battery