The "Reduce" of Recycle and Reuse

Most of us are familiar with recycle and reusing, but how often do we think of the third R - REDUCE? "Reduce" is probably the most important of the three Rs because, if we reduced, it would limit the need to recycle and reuse. By reducing, we cut down on the resources that we use which results in less garbage being produced. Reduce takes us back to the basic question: "Is it a need or a want?" So often, our wants result in impulse buying. It is amazing if you ask yourself the question, is it a need or a want before you actually buy. Many things end up being a want, not truly a need. To help us "reduce", a second question could be asked: "Can I rent or borrow this item, rather than buying it?" By renting or borrowing an item, you fill the "need" and perhaps the "want", but you end up fulfilling your need and returning the item. One other area that helps reduction is "packaging". Are the items you are buying packaged to protect the item, or packaged to market the item. So much garbage is a result of packaging for marketing purposes. Buy products that limit the packaging to protection rather than marketing. There are many ways to "reduce" and here are just a few: - reduce your paper consumption...only print what you need otherwise read online; use both sides of paper for taking messages; leave off the cover sheet of a fax and write all info on the main page - have your name removed from junk mail. - reduce the use of plastic bags by taking cloth bags with you when you shop - purchase energy saving appliances - use the new compact fluorescent lights bulbs (take 75% less power and burn 10 times longer than a regular incandescent bulb) - when buying toys for children, purchase toys that do not require batteries - if you do require batteries, buy rechargeable ones - buy in bulk, thereby reducing packaging If we all did only one thing to "reduce", it would help in our efforts to recycle and reuse.