A Practical Guide To Wedding Videos

Bless the bride... and God help the video maker. True. Let us start with grim warnings of doom and disaster. Making a video of a wedding is something which can lose you a lot of friends. The bride and groom and their respective families want something that will make 'The American President' look like a low budget, made-for-television low grade movie with no production values. This has been shown by actual test. Some simple rules.

1. Do not under any circumstances offer to make a video of anyone's wedding, no matter how near and dear.

2. When it is suggested, always try to get someone else to do it. Anyone. As long as it is not you.

3. Offer to help pay for a professional. That spreads the blame and is known as a CYA ploy. Then you can say the professional will take care of the major work and you will merely add touches of cinema verite.

4. Claim that you are sick or that the camcorder is not working or your eyes are being operated on.

5. If all else fails read, and possibly download for reference, the longish screed on the subject. It runs to 2,500 words. All written from bitter experience. My apologies for the length.

Spread the blame . . .

If you are asked to make a video of a wedding make sure that the photographs