Character Building Quiz Guides Parents! Take It Now

Can a Character Building Quiz guide parents? Definitely! Great kids don't happen by accident. Great parenting builds great character in kids. How? Take the quiz and you'll find out. Parenting Quiz for Character Builders Ask yourself, "Do I?" 1. Say "No" to my child and stick to it? 2. Discipline without anger? 3. Listen to my child? 4. Give my child chores? 5. Refuse to accept sassiness? 6. Set a bedtime for my child? 7. Monitor TV shows, computers, and video games? 8. Spend fun time with my child? 9. Talk respectfully with my child? 10. Refuse to exchange heated arguments with my child? 11. Think before I discipline? 12. Teach my child how to solve problems? 13. Praise, hug, kiss, and give positive attention to my child everyday? If you answered "Yes" to all the questions, congratulations! You are a Kind and Firm Character Builder. If you answered "No" to any question, think about making some changes. You can do it. I know you can. All it takes is practice, practice, and more practice. That's all there is to it. Just read these questions from time to time. Strive for "Yes" answers and you will be building character in your kids.