Ask Questions When Looking For The Right Childcare Provider

Ask if the childcare provider is home or center licensed. If they state they are not licensed, again, you are better to move on to someone who is better qualified. Another important question to ask them is how many children they currently care for. You obviously want the childcare provider to have enough time to attend to your child's needs, as well as spend quality time with your child. Ask them about what type of training they have had and if they have documentation. Don't worry about offending them. This is the career path they have chosen and should understand that you want someone qualified to take care of your child. Next, ask them if they participate in any type of food program for childcare providers. There are several programs that help the childcare providers with the cost of feeding the children they take care of and they require them to serve nutritious food. Once these questions are out of the way and you're feeling pretty comfortable with the answers you've received, ask them what their fees are. If the fees are within your price range, set up an interview with them. This will allow you to not only speak to them in person, but also see what type of facility it is, how sanitary it is, and the general mood of the children the childcare provider is currently taking care of. Keep in mind that finding someone to watch your child can be a very scary process, but there are wonderful childcare providers out there. Make sure you ask these questions and if there is something you feel uncomfortable about, move on to the next possible provider.