The Homestead Revolution

Part 1 of a 6 part series. Many find the idea of revolution frightening, most especially those who are living the good life. Change is dangerous. The unknown may be monstrous and ugly. Life will never be the same and the sameness of many lives is perceived as comfort and security. We can expect many to hang on to this perception until it is no longer possible. As in the story of the Three Little Pigs, we know those who will prepare for change will be a minority and probably a very small one. It is that minority I hope to reach in this new Information Age. My astrology book explains how age changes bring on chaotic conditions and social upheaval. The astrological age is changing from Pisces to Aquarius. The Age of Pisces began around the time Jesus walked the earth and Rome destroyed Jerusalem in the first century of the new age. In some circles America is considered the new Jerusalem. The blessings America has enjoyed between wars indicate there might be some truth to this idea. So what happens when three different age changes take place at once? Should we expect tripled chaos and upheaval? It seems to me the attacks of September 11, 2001, the first year of the new ages, symbolize this change. If we look at the Biblical divine day of 1,000 years, we see the 6,000 year Age of Man is drawing to a close, to be replaced by the Kingdom Age, a one thousand year sabbath rest to the land. A time of cleansing, peace and regeneration. We get to clean up the messes made in our name and the name of progress. The Industrial or Machine Age is giving way to the Information Age. The reason we can expect chaos and upheaval is that the old order struggles as hard as it can to maintain power and control in the face of change. The new order has to deal with this as it struggles for birth. Saddam Hussein symbolizes the old order, as does President Bush and the entire Western, corporate, money loving establishment. The World Wide Web, satellite communications and universal compassion symbolize the new order. The clash is scary, loud, nasty, bloody and deadly. In the Book of Revelation, we have end time scripture where God says: "Come out of her my children, that you not be partakers of her plagues." There is nothing abstract or esoteric in the command. It is simply to separate from the money lovers, who are about to taste of divine justice. Divine justice is something quite apart from the American justice we often hear so loudly proclaimed. By the extent of the prophesied destruction, we can expect a survival rate of one in three of the existing population - those who have forcibly or voluntarily separated from money lover economics, politics and greed. If we accept these changes will occur no matter how we feel about it, we know we will change as well. Our choice is whether to have it forced on us, as the old order would do, or welcome and prepare for it. The Homestead Revolution is about preparation. It is about maintaining comfort, agreeable society and personal security in a world apparently going to hell in a handbasket. It is about weathering a protracted storm. It is about survival of the wisest and the destruction of the foolish. In the story of the Three Little Pigs, the wise pig is salvation to the foolish. What if there was only one wise pig in a land of 10,000? The wise pig provides for them all or many must feed the wolves. If the wise pig hopes to save them all, s/he had better find and talk it over with many more wise pigs. I'm trying to do this now. Who among us is planning to survive, help and love his or her neighbors? Survival and survivalists are more words that scare people, because it means unwanted changes and probable violence, no matter what follows. Who wants to think about it? I do. It will be the survivors who will truly begin the New Age work on a global scale and the planning ought to begin soon. Accidental survivors will be sick, wounded, dying. Will there be anyone to help them or will we all be scrambling to stay alive? Keep your eye on Iraq and Afghanistan. See what lessons these countries will teach us at the beginning of the New Age. I see many already. Every major event will have lessons to teach and major events are coming one right after another, until the old order is destroyed and disempowered. We need to pay attention and seek out these lessons. For Love and Money Few people see the foundation of the Old World Order is economic. Its value system is over three thousand years old and it is illustrated in the last book of the New Testament, Chapter 18. In this chapter appears a list of merchandise in descending order of economic value. Gold tops the list, followed by silver and precious stones, the items traditionally used as money. Last on this long list is slaves, followed by the souls of men. The slave has a higher value because the slave will bring the master the other things on the list at minimal cost. The souls are unpredictable, uncontrollable and cannot be valued at all. This old economic value system makes life and people the most disposable commodities. It values dominion above stewardship. It emphasizes competition over cooperation. It concentrates money and power in relatively fewer hands over time. People cannot matter at all in this value system and we must be rid of it or it will be rid of us. The West is searching for its collective soul and finding it. Every individual influences the collective and the collective influences most individuals. Fear begets fear, love begets love - both reproduce in kind. In modern times, the slaves receive a wage or salary and do not see themselves as slaves to the economic masters - the chief executive money lovers. This works out well for slave masters because they have no burden of slave maintenance or fear of rebellion. Souls have no use for slavery and represent a threat to slave masters. If it were not for a system of education and propaganda that converts souls to slaves, no free souls would be tolerated. Because they are only a small minority of the labor force, they can be ignored, up until now. Early in this New Age this economic value system will change. The last will be first. Money and merchandise will help liberate the slaves - the souls will grow in number, power and wisdom. Money will be used for universal good, not privilege and destruction, control and dominion. Stewardship and husbandry replace the on - going rape of the planet. If you can't see this coming, watch Oprah. Realpolitik American school children are taught that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves. I say someone decided to pay them and spread the plantation from sea to shining sea. Most of us are taught to want jobs on the plantation and have them. Many only want better ones. There has never been a shortage of things that need to be done, or people to do them. The people await someone who will turn the work into jobs and employ them. Many a business mogul began by doing the work and finding a way to be paid for it, later. As the work overwhelmed him, he found he could afford helpers and created jobs. It becomes a co-dependency. An employer needs employees - employees need an employer. Because the value of slaves is determined by a pre arranged economic value system, there are always far more slaves than any employer needs. Competition keeps global wages depressed, while enriching employers and slave masters. Partnerships will change all this. Jobs will disappear. Good riddance! Not everyone can be a slave. Both souls and slave masters will forfeit the security of slavery for other alternatives. Not everyone can be a slave master. Souls don't want the responsibilities of maintaining slaves and many slaves don't want the responsibility or the risk of failure. Yet, slavery is rapidly going the way of the Old World Order and its value system. Employers will have to pay fair market value for labor, instead of minimums fixed by law. Working conditions will begin to reward the workers and allow them better lives inside and outside the workplace. Many former slaves will become small independent business people who don't want or need slaves but will reward competent helpers or partners. Many have already stepped off of the corporate ladders to enjoy independence in their chosen work. Partnerships have been tremendously under used and undervalued until now. Slaves will become scarce and valued fairly. All according to this old law of scarcity, supply and demand. The current over supply of labor depresses wages - an under supply of cooperative labor will raise wages.