Being a first time Parent

When we were little be all dreamed of getting married, having a nice home, and having children. We all thought it would be that easy. Then we all grew up and real life sets in. We do get married that was pretty easy. Getting your nice house that was a little harder. Then you have a child. All of a sudden you are scared to death. You feel so lost not knowing what to do. All your thoughts from when you were younger start creeping in your mind and you start realizing that it is nothing like you were thinking. Everyone experiences different feelings. I think that this is how the majority of us feel. When we bring that little bundle, that we helped create, home from the hospital it is the scariest feeling in the world. Most feel that they will mess up some how. The doctors and nurses are no longer there to help us and we are not in the hospital long enough to learn everything that we need to know. It can get a bit over whelming. When the baby cries we are not sure what to do. Feed them, change them, hold them, and when those don't work we don't know what else to do. I promise it does get easier. With each passing day it does get easier. You will learn your child's cries. Their hungry cry will differ from their, I need changed cry. When you get to a place where you are not sure what to do with your baby, ask an experienced parent. If you feel comfortable with their advice do it. If you don't then you will know it. Every mother has a natural instinct, and it will kick in with out you even noticing it. Taking care of your baby will get easier and easier as each day goes by. It still can be over whelming, but you will learn from each experience. It will make you and your child closer. Just remember to do the best you can and remember that this little life is depending on you for everything that he/she needs to survive. Without you he/she could not make it. Sit back and enjoy every moment you have with your child before you know it they will be all grown up and gone having their own families. You can only experience life raising a child once with each child. Don't miss out on anything.