One Minute Affirmations Stories: Don't Cheat on Your Husband Who is a Police Officer!

Bev was the wife of a local RCMP Officer, Bradley. She felt he did not appreciate her. He worked long hours and then spent time going to local schools and giving talks about the dangers of doing drugs, and so forth. Bev was having an affair with a businessman named Jason. When Bradley went to work in the evening, she would put their three children, ages eight, ten and eleven to bed. She then would ask her sister, who lived in the other side of the duplex, to look in on them. She had convinced her sister Sue that she needed to spend some adult time with her lady friends. She would then meet Jason in a designated, secluded spot and they would make love. She lived for those moments and Jason was now occupying a great deal of her thoughts. One evening, which was especially passionate for both Bev and Jason, they did not hear the footsteps approaching the van. The loud banging on the door of the vehicle brought them both abruptly back to their senses. The blaring light of the flashlight was relentless. It shone on their naked bodies. They could not see the person's face, but they both thought that person might be a police officer. He cleared this throat and said in a very loud, unfriendly, commanding voice, "Move on out of here!" Both Jason and Bev scrambled to put on their clothes and as Bev looked out the window, she saw the taillights of an RCMP vehicle speeding down the road. They hastily said their good byes and Bev got into her car and rushed home. She was in a pickle. Who was that officer? Of course he would recognize her as they lived in a relatively small town. Would the officer tell Bradley? Would he stoop to blackmail? Was her marriage going to be ruined? Should she confess before Bradley was told by one of his colleagues? How would this news affect the children? She tried to keep things as normal as possible. She really did love Bradley. If he would just pay more attention to her and the kids and spend more time with them. If only he would take her out once in a while or tell her that he needed her. She could not remember the last time he told her she looked pretty. Several months went by and Bev was becoming a nervous wreck. She had not spoken to Jason since that night. She searched Bradley's face every day and night for signs of anger, disappointment or knowing. She thought about the chain of events and was shocked to discover that during the last month she had hardly given Jason a thought. Did this mean she really loved her husband? One day when the kids were in school and Bev and Bradley were alone, he casually said, "Honey, is this the lipstick you have been looking for?" He handed it to her with his usual lop-sided grin. She gasped, took the lipstick and realized that it was the one that she had dropped outside the vehicle that fateful night. "Why, it was you," she cried, "You saw us and changed your voice when you said "Move on out of here!" His eyes bored into her eyes as he asked almost in a whisper, "Do you love him?" Bev was crying uncontrollably by this time, "No, no," she said, "I love you, but you act like you do not care and at times that I am not even there... invisible you know? When was the last time you said, "I love you, you look pretty and took me out to dinner or a movie?" I have feelings you know. I am not just a robot or just the children's mother. I am a real woman with desire and sexual feelings flowing through my veins. I am so sorry Bradley, I know adultery or cheating is not the answer. I do not really deserve you and our marriage. Please do not blame Jason because if it was not him, it would have been someone else. I have not even thought of him since that night. She continued, "But please, please she begged with tears streaming down her cheeks, do not take my children." Bradley stared at her for what seemed like hours and then he spoke choosing his words carefully and deliberately. "Beverly, you are the mother of my children. I am shocked, devastated and hurt at what I saw. I do know that I have been very busy with my work, the school programs and I have been feeling guilty about being so selfish and not spending time with you and the children. I do not condone, like or agree with what you did. I feel it is definitely beneath you and a terrible blow to our marriage, but I do love you and the children; you are my life. I will work at forgiving you, changing and doing my part, but we both have to go for counseling immediately. I cannot stand the thought of life without you. Bev, I love you." She flew into his arms and that kiss could have ignited the biggest fire in the Province of British Columbia! This story to be continued -- hear the truth of what Bradley had to say about that night on patrol in upcoming story... 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