X-37 UAV Has Potential

X-37 Moves Forward, Now What? Well, here are a few ideas of taking this craft to a whole new level and plateau in American Ingenuity and Innovation. NASA has learned a lot from the X-37 tests and will now turn it over to DARPA, which makes a lot of sense indeed.



Should we also look at a device mounted on this craft to ionize the air or atmosphere upon entry? If the craft were be launched from a large Blimp, super blimp it could be dropped and once clearing the blimp point skyward and turn on the thrusters and ionizers to rid the craft of any friction, which would occur in the atmosphere. Very little energy would be needed and getting it to an asteroid, the moon or around the planet for re-entry would be extremely efficient. If the X-37 were unmanned it could also serve as a deterrent carrying an explosive payload and be used like a smart munitions all the way to the target ionizing the air along the way through re-entry, in fact there would actually be no re-entry, only an artificial extension of a space tube which it could fly through to it