Unknown Angel

I have many wonderful childhood memories that warm my heart but sometimes the hurtful ones stick with us forever. Often we can find inspiration from a hurtful event that will last a lifetime if we allow it. I was quite a sick child growing up. One thing after another would strike me down. Being paralyzed a few times as a child was devastating. Once from a central nervous system condition and another from a rare allergic reaction. Both of these incidents run together in my memories making it difficult to separate each event. For some odd reason I was alone one evening. Being surrounded by loved ones through out my entire hospital stay had been a way of life. I guess the improvement of my condition prompted my family to return home for a brief period of time. I was lying in my hospital bed watching television when a small girl in a hospital gown walked into my room. I turned my head to look at her and the only thing I could do was smile because I was so thrilled to see this her. I guess that's because I had been spending all my time with adults. She told me her name was Angela and we chatted away. A nurse had come in my room and Angela asked if I could go around the ward with her. The nurse, one of my favorites, nodded her head in agreement and went to get a wheelchair. She put me in the wheelchair and Angela was so excited about pushing me around. She had asked me what was wrong with me and I had replied I didn't know. She had just had her tonsils removed. We had a good time strolling around the children's ward. All of the nurses knew us by our first names and pleasantly greeted us as we sped by on our merry way. We visited other children briefly but were in a big hurry to move on. We reached the end of the line and Angela wheeled me up to the wall around a corner. She told me it was my turn to push her. When she realized that I couldn't push her around she threw her hands on her hips and told me I was being unfair. I begged her not to be mad at me and although I cannot recall her words I remember the pain and tears. She left me in that corner, stuck. I cried but never called out for help for reasons unknown. I remember seeing a smaller child, a boy. He walked so funny and looked at me with a tear on his cheek. He struggled to get to me and I instantly forgot that I was stuck. I watched his determination in amazement and saw his grief on his little swollen face. My heart cried out to him for he was struggling so hard to come to my aid and it was causing him so much pain. Even though I was in a wheelchair I knew that this child was far worse than I was. I wanted him to stop but I couldn't say a word. I couldn't believe that this unknown child who didn't know me was going through so much to try to help me. At that very moment a couple and a nurse turned the corner looking for me. The couple was my parent's friends who had come to visit bearing gifts. The woman hugged me and got behind my chair to wheel me back to my room and the nurse was helping the little boy back to his. As I was being pushed away I turned my head to see him looking at me with the biggest smile on his face. I eventually had a full recovery but I never did see that little boy again. I have never forgotten his courage and determination, nor will I ever forget how unselfish this child was. Children can be cruel sometimes, unknowing to them that their actions can cause another so much grief. I guess that is part of growing up. I can still remember falling into childhood games of teasing other children and such, but I was quickly reminded of that one little boy. It takes a very special child to see past their disabilities and pain to try to make this world a better place for just one person. Although he never got to help me, his actions meant so much more. Words unsaid but the feat was so much greater. I often think of this little boy and pray that whatever was wrong with him, he also found recovery. I was taught a far greater lesson that evening, a lesson that I hope I pass on to my child. Love and compassion from a small stranger healed my broken heart. It opened my eyes and filled my heart. That little boy was my angel, my unknown angel.