Dear Dad

Dear Dad, I love you. Thanks for explaining some things to me. It will be different for me to have two homes instead of one. I did like you asked and made a list of things that you could do to help make it easier for me. Here it is: 1. Remember I love both you and mom 2. Don't ask me to give messages to mom 3. Don't say bad things about mom and don't ask me what is going on at her house 4. Understand that I am going to have fun with mom ~ don't make me feel guilty 5. Don't tell me about all of the fun things you and I could do if I didn't 'have' to go to mom's ~ that's not fair 6. Don't purposely forget to send important things (clothes, school books, etc.) with me when I am going to mom's house 7. Let me call or email mom when I want to ~ not because I'm 'supposed' to 8. Don't talk to me about adult things ~ you have your own friends for that 9. Tell me the truth when I ask a question about things 10. Don't feed me right before you know I'm going to have dinner with mom 11. Don't use me to get back at mom 12. Pick me up and drop me off on time at mom's 13. If mom starts dating, don't ask me to not like that person ~ let me get to know them and decide myself 14. Still be my dad and do fun stuff with me 15. Listen to me ~ sometimes I need to talk about things 16. Remind me the divorce is not my fault ~ sometimes I might forget 17. Don't ask me to take sides ~ remember I love you both Let's talk about these ideas. Love, Me P.S. I'm going to write a letter just like this to mom too. *****Readers of this article may copy it without the copyright owner's permission, if the author and publisher are acknowledged in the copy and the copy is used for education, not-for-profit purposes.