Baby's Christmas Cry - Let Me Live Another Day

Christmas the jolly festive season for good will gestures kindness and happiness is upon us once again. December 25th the day of our lord's birthday is a day for family gatherings where relatives even strangers unite to celebrate his invisible presence. Why can it not be Christmas every day where the atmosphere is filled with joyous and harmonious people? Children prepare for Santa's arrival with a thank you plate of biscuits and a glass of milk. The bigger kid's like mum/dad intend to over excite themselves also, watching the kids expression as they unwrap all their presents. Then we have the belly filling feast of turkey with all the trimmings followed by wobbly jellies apple pie and custard. But sadly to say all the joys that Christmas brings is not bestowed on every one. Unfortunately some children celebrate their Christmas in a hospital bed due to saddening events which may have taken place where instead of receiving a kiss and a cuddle on Christmas day they received a merciless beating. No joyous moments for babies on a mortuary slab. Innocent of any crime the weakest links will suffer more pain under the hands of their abusers. This ongoing torment for toddlers/wife's partners etc is escalating out of control causing an epidemic of sadism which has to stop. To many merciless beatings have caused death to a victim all because the abuser needs his/her daily fix of fulfilment where they celebrate Christmas with blood on their hands and a smile. Help is out there for those looking for answers to why they cause so much sorrow hurt and pain on their defenceless loved ones. By talking to someone then you have taken the first step in your quest to make every Christmas from now on a happy one. Then we have the inhabitants of famine stricken countries suffering from starvation seeking to survive on flour and milk alone. Our flour comes in the shape of a loaf, our milk churned into butter/cheese. Before stuffing your self with roast parsnips and turkey be sure to say grace and to take in the meaning of every word. If you want to help the needy this Christmas then all you have to do is say a prayer... And for the innocent victim of abuse which need help, I ask you as a friend or neighbour to be extra vigilant of any situation that may give you reason for concern for a child's safety. By doing this you may be giving that child the best Christmas gift ever and that is to live for another day.