Why criminal background checks?

>From my observation there are a few reasons why a consumer would want to get a criminal background check: -to protect their children -to protect themselves -to know what a potential employer might discover about them Of course, there are many reasons why a criminal background check would be desired but overall they should fall under one of these categories.

Protect Children Knowing the background of those involved with children should be of utmost importance. The threat of child molestors in today's society is real and growing. A criminal background check can help parents be more selective of those who attend their children whether it be at school, church, or at home.

Protect Yourself More and more people are turning to online dating sites because of their ease of use and privacy. Increasing work hours and decreasing leisure hours are driving many singles to use these dating services.

Enter criminal background checks. You cannot take someone's word over the internet that they are as nice and trustworthy as they claim. Always search their history with a criminal background check. It just might save your life.

Pre-employment Are you applying for a job and wondering if the employer is going to see your criminal record? Is there something on your record that you should disclose to the employer ahead of time? It would be awful if they read your rapsheet before you could explain it to them.

Perhaps you have had something expunged from your record. Have you verified that it is no longer being reported? Get a criminal background check just to make sure.