Quick & Easy Tools for You to Effectively Market Your Home Business

A home business is a paradise for those who have spent years working 50-hours a week in a cubicle, dealing with terrible bosses and pesky co-workers, and yes, you guessed it- a daily dose of ulcers trying to make it to work on time! It is no wonder more and more people are turning into home business entrepreneurs, making it the most rapidly growing segment in the economy.

For the home business owner who has just put most of his eggs in this basket, you'd think it would be twice as tough to market his products and services. Well, think again! It does not have to cost an arm and a leg to put your business on the high road; all you need is some basic rules, some sound thinking and a lot of imagination.

Give these low cost strategies and marketing tools a try and you will be amazed at the results:

1. Network: a cardinal rule of marketing is to Network, Network, Network! You never know from where a good business lead will come your way. The question is, with whom do you network? That's easy