Sleeping -Tips on Helping Your Baby or Toddler to Sleep

"Sleeping Like A Baby", a wonderful phrase but certainly not in my household for the first six weeks of my son's life! Teaching your baby to settle themselves to sleep could be the most important technique that you'll learn when you first bring your new baby home. It's absolutely fine to comfort and cuddle your baby to sleep, however as they grow older this can become a habit and will be the only way your little one will know how to fall asleep. >From the age of 6 months is probably the best time to start teaching your baby to settle themselves (you could start as early as 3 months if you feel the time is right). One of the first things to do when you bring your baby home is to start establishing a routine. This routine will alter slightly as your baby grows, however the basic timetable remains the same. Before putting your baby down for a nap during the day, make sure they have some quiet time to relax. Babies will resist sleeping if they are over stimulated or over tired. Look for the telltale signs of eye rubbing, yawning or irritability and then get them to bed as soon as possible. Wait too long and your baby will have a tough time settling down. Every baby will have a different sleep need, however most babies up to four months will take up to three naps per day, by 6 months two naps per day. They eventually drop this down to 1 nap by the time they are 18 months old. Help your baby distinguish between day & night by having different routines for day time naps to night time sleeps. For instance, I put my baby to sleep in a different room during the day as to what I did at night time so by the age of 3 months he was aware that his bassinet was for sleeping through the night! At night time try bathing your baby to help them relax, then read them a book and then put them to bed drowsy but not asleep. This way they will learn to put themselves to sleep. If all else fails and your baby is still inconsolable at nap or sleep time, don't worry this doesn't mean you are not a good parent! Even the most timid of babies can have bad days where everything you try just won't work. Try taking your baby for a walk in the pram, the motion of the pram may send them off to sleep and the fresh air will help you to relax. If you really don't think you can take anymore, then call a friend or relative, they may be able to come over and relieve you for a little while and maybe even get your baby to sleep. Even though you may think this is never going to end and your baby will never get to sleep, eventually things do get better, it's all just a matter of time! Most importantly, don't stress because more than likely your stress will pass onto the baby, just relax and enjoy each moment of your babies time as believe me before you know it a year of your baby's life has passed by and you wonder where the time has gone and what you stressed about!