Parenting Teenagers

Most people dream of having a prestigious career, nice family, and a house in the country. The reason we wish to have this life, is for social acceptance among our friends. We see famous television families with nice homes, two expensive cars, and three well-behaved children; thus, the social acceptance is this unrealistic model based on a television script. Raising, and maintaining a healthy, and happy family is contrary to motion picture ideals. Parents need to work full or part-time jobs to support themselves, and their children. Most households need to have both parents working; leaving children to babysitters, and their own devises. This is not a criticism of parents. It is just an illustration of family dynamics in modern societies. Raising children is challenging. Parents, who choose to stay at home and raise their children, are often frowned upon, and seen as lazy. What most people neglect to see, is those who can stay home to raise their children, often have their own home-based businesses, or work at home through a virtual office. This choice of lifestyle is both rewarding, and challenging. It is rewarding, because you can sometimes set your own work schedule, and watch your children develop on a daily basis. The challenge of raising children, while at home, is when they begin to develop into adolescents, and young adults. The reason is that they are trying to find their own identity and independence. Adolescent youth, and young adults, often try to gain their independence by listening to unique music, and reject some of the rules set by their parents. This can cause stress on the entire family, and test the strength of the most understanding parents. How can parents survive this phase in their child's life with minimal stress? As a young adult, myself, I observed my parents, and feel it necessary to share their skills with others, who are presently struggling through these teenage years. Surviving, and living with teenagers can be challenging, but rewarding, as you watch them develop into young adults. Always remember that one day they will become adults, like you. Discuss subjects that they are interested, or have knowledge to show your respect, and encourage their intellectual and emotional growth. Teenage years are also a time in which he or she will look for a potential companion. Don't prevent this from happening, because it will create rebellion, and show that you don't respect their judgments. Talk to him or her about your personal life, goals, and fears. If you become his or her friend, it is more likely that he or she will love, and respect your opinions, advice, and wishes. If he or she is interested in furthering his or her education, encourage them by helping them with assignments, and finding an after-school job to help pay for their own tuition. If you can talk, listen, and befriend your son or daughter during this period in their life, you will have an enjoyable and loving relationship. You must always remember that you were once a teenager, and probably had the same anxieties and enjoyments as your son, or daughter. As long as you respect, talk, understand, and encourage them, you will be able to survive, and admire yourself for helping to raise your teenager into a young adult.