Why Pregnant Women Get Stressed And Depressed?

If you are a pregnant mother or soon will be, this is the most important reality you going to face. You will get stress and depress. Why? The physical and mental changes of a pregnant woman can affect her stress levels-especially since she is forced to see herself in a new light. The woman who was once the prettiest girl at the dance may have turned into a sluggish, chubby grouch seemingly overnight. In her mind, she sees herself as ugly and dumpy, even though others just see her beautiful motherly glow. Five Common Stress and Depress Among Pregnant Women 1. Pregnant women face an almost endless list of concerns-some valid and others not so. One of the most valid worries is that of miscarriage, which is a big fear for women in their first trimester, especially if they have experienced past miscarriages or problem pregnancies. Miscarriage is a sad, unfortunate event for which many women blame themselves (Is it something I did? If I had done anything differently, would my baby have lived?). Anyone who has experienced this horrible loss knows that Mom is not to blame no matter what she may think. 2. Women also naturally worry if their babies will be healthy, so they fret over whether or not they are eating the right foods, taking the right vitamins and getting enough exercise. Worry stretches into excess though when an expectant mom frets over everything from whether or not to eat the skin of an apple to how long she should wait to take her vitamin after lunch. As many silly worries as moms concoct, though, there are valid issues of concern. They affect some women to greater degrees than others. 3. It isn