Birthday Journals

Birthday Journals By Doreene Clement Last year, as I turned 50, (FIVE-OOOH!!!), I decided to give myself a birthday party. Part of the party was to have a birthday journal, or diary. (I used my book The 5 Year Journal for two reasons -- #1. I had a lot of copies, and #2. The 5 Year Journal is dated) I asked my friends to pick a date telling me why they chose that date, and then write whatever they felt like writing. After the journal was passed around the party, I then carried it with me and had more friends sign throughout the year. I have now decided that this is my decade journal and it will come with me, and both my old and new friends will become a part of it from age 50 to 60 years old. Then I'll start again, because a birthday journal is now part of my birthday celebration. Another part of my birthday journal was writing a yearly birthday wish for myself. My wish last year was: To be healthy, wealthy, wise, happy, peaceful. This year my wish for myself is: To stop, to look and to listen, while staying as quiet as possible. At the time of my birthday I also write a birthday wish for different friends, and the world. In the back and throughout my birthday journal I have pasted pictures, a fortune from a fortune cookie, my birthday astrological from the newspaper, and other memories, as they occur. Birthday Journals Ideas For your birthday journal you can do what I did, or here are some more ideas you can ask your friends to write: Retell a funny story about you and me. Write a birthday wish for me, and a wish for yourself. Remember your favorite birthday and what happened. Write about what your hopes and dreams are for me, yourself, friends, family or the world. Tell me something I never knew about you. Recall your happiest time. What was your most unexpected moment? Write about the silliest time you can recall. You were most surprised by