Taking the True Relationship Test

Taking a relationship test on the internet or out of a magazine is not the way to figure out if you and your mate are compatible. This article discusses some ways to strengthen your relationship and make it last. The Problem with Relationship Tests If you have ever read teen magazines you will be familiar with the myriad tests they offer their readers. You can find out everything from which type of jelly bean you are to which celebrity is your soul mate. But what about the relationship test that purports to tell you whether you and your spouse or companion are compatible? After twenty multiple choice questions the test tells you to either keep them around or dump them.

The fact of the matter is that no relationship test can truly analyze all of the factors that indicate whether a relationship will or won't work. Personality specialists emphasize that each personality type has different strengths and weaknesses and that any two types of personalities can be happily married their whole lives, so long as they are aware of their differences and work hard to make their marriage a success.

The True Relationship Test My mother had a rule that we couldn't complain about something she cooked until after we had tried it. The principle she was trying to teach was - the best way to figure out if you like something is to try it.

The best relationship test to take is life - try it out for while. Who cares if a magazine quiz says the planets aren't aligned for you and your mate. If you are dating and you're happier than ever, keep it up. And even if a magazine tells you that you have found your soul mate, but you are unhappy or the relationship is abusive, get out of it.

Passing the Test For anybody that has been in a relationship longer than a couple of weeks, you know that life isn't always peaches and cream. Tough times come, habits starts to annoy, and personalities clash. Don't throw away a great relationship just because your knight in shining armor happens to snore. Follow these tips to strengthen a great relationship or work on strengthening a struggling one.

No matter what any magazine tells you, if you want to make your relationship work, it will take time, effort, and loyalty. Put your relationship to the real test by trying for success.