One Would Think That We Would Be Safer In The Comfort Of Our Own Homes!

Have you ever given any thought to the fact that you might be causing more harm than good while using your consumable products? I know that we have used household cleaners and personal care products for decades, so why am I bringing this issue up now? If we do not educate ourselves on this topic, then in the end, we have no one else to blame but ourselves. The plain and simple truth is that manufacturing companies spend millions of dollars on advertising their products every year. We are blasted on a daily basis with commercials and ads regarding our consumable products. For the most part, we also believe that if we want to have cleaner houses and look our personal best, then we NEED to have, buy, and use these types of products. Have you ever taken the time to research exactly what you are either inhaling or absorbing through your skin whenever you use these products? The sad fact is that the majority of us have never given that point any thought. Why, because we do not know that there is any serious health risks associated with the vast majority of these products. We have never been told through these ads or commercials that the chemicals and toxins used in making these products can be potentially dangerous to our health. Manufacturers are only mandated or required to list the potential concerns associated with their particular product, such as: use caution, wear protective gloves, use safety glasses, may be corrosive, or whether the product is classified as poison etc. Only 1 percent of TOXINS are required to be listed on labels. According to the National Research Council,