Looking Back

Why is it that many of us have so much trouble finding joy in our lives? Often, we tend to live in the future, or conversely, the past, but not in the present. We make elaborate plans for our holidays or our retirement, but what about enjoying the moment? Smelling the fragrance of flowers, the pleasure of a walk in warm brilliant sunshine, listening to sounds of rain lightly tapping on a window pane are all ways to commune with elements of nature. Each of us can appreciate the special beauty of nature. It has the power to stir something magical in the soul. Finding the spirit within renews the soul. The way to discover spirit is by getting quiet and silencing all the chatter around and within us. Meditation can be a helpful tool for experiencing that internal quiet. A clear mind thinks more effectively and appreciates more completely. Frequently, we want to share these special moments with family and friends. Good times always seem better when shared with people we care about. It