Your Child's Most Basic Needs!

Children are supposed to be well-taken care of by adults. They are supposed to have their basic needs met. These include the need for food, warmth, physical comfort, adequate clothing and a healthy environment. These needs also include their emotional needs, such as comfort, closeness to other human beings, and love. Unfortunately, due to the hectic and extremely busy lifestyle we all lead, sometimes we unintentionally neglect some of our children's basic needs which are necessary to facilitate positive growth mentally and physically. Most of us love and care for our children as we should. We do our best for them by working many hard hours to make the money so we can provide as much as possible. However, we must remember to address their most basic needs. For example, this one very fundamental need is extremely important and very frequently forgotten due to lack of awareness. This basic need is "water". Evidence from teachers, school nurses, and school doctors show that many children suffer discomfort such as stomach aches, constipation, poor appetite, frequent bladder infection, and backaches all linked to not drinking enough water. Children don