ElderLife Matters For Caregivers and Employers

PRESS RELEASE For free distribution in any medium. Word count 727 at 60 characters per line Contact: Linda LaPointe, sospueblo@yahoo.com Work & eldercare is a difficult marriage for the half of all employees who are caring for an aging loved one. You may know the facts: The cost of absenteeism, shortened or interrupted work days is $29 billion a year. The cost of replacing employees who leave due to eldercare responsibilities is $4.93 billion a year. Many spend up to 8 hours per week on the phone with eldercare issues, come in late & take more time off. One half of employees care for dependent adults. Three fourths of elder caregivers are in the workforce. One third of caregivers acknowledge their eldercare responsibilities interfere with work. These issues not only concern the employer, they also greatly concern the employee who wants to do a good job. Yet most caregivers don